The heart of The Thursday Club is the combination of inspiring women of all ages who share the gift of giving.

The Thursday Club Foundation

thursday-club-foundation-logo_200x135The Thursday Club Foundation, a 501(c)(3) tax exempt entity, was established in 2004 to facilitate the volunteer efforts supporting charitable activities connected with The Thursday Club, The Thursday Club Juniors, and the Professionals.  We partner with established charitable organizations in their quest to better our community. Over the last fifty years, almost $2,000,000 has been raised by The Thursday Club primarily through our Annual Rummage Sale. For nearly 100 years, The Thursday Club has funded numerous well-deserving San Diego charities and organizations, including Balboa Park projects and museums.

Applications received each year are thoughtfully considered by The Philanthropy Committees from The Thursday Club, The Thursday Club Juniors and the Professionals. Beneficiaries have included organizations from: science, technology and medicine; education and sports; and parks and wildlife. A common goal shared by the recipients is that of making our community a better place for all. They do this through supporting programs that: emphasize research; provide for and empower people on how to move forward; and maintain and preserve our parks and animals.

If you would like to donate by writing a check.  Please make out to The Thursday Club Foundation  and designate in the Note section on your check (Annual Rummage
Sale Beneficiaries,) and mail to:

The Thursday Club Foundation
1225 Santa Barbara St.
San Diego, CA. 92107

Thank you!




Community & Balboa Park Non-Profits

Any Body Can Youth Foundation
ConnectMed International
ElderHelp of San Diego
Goodwill Industries of San Diego County
Grossmont Hospital Foundation
Just In Time for Foster Youth
Leap to Success
Navy Marine Corps Proud Foundation Inc.
Ride Above Disability Therapeutic Riding Center
San Diego Air & Space Museum
San Diego Junior Theatre
Spreckels Organ Society